Understanding Inductors and their Parameters

Coils wound into a spiral shape have inductance, which are used for electrical purposes and are called inductors. Inductors are widely used in power supplies and filtering circuits, which can be divided into two categories: inductors used for signal systems and power inductors used for power systems.

Inductors are also very common and are easily overlooked for their basic parameters, resulting in inadequate design and serious use issues for products. The more detailed things are, the more worth pondering over, which is the basic skill of a hardware engineer. Figure 1-14 is the symbol of inductor components and the internal structure of inductors, which can be divided into winding and stacking. Stacked inductors have smaller volume, which is conducive to the miniaturization of circuits, so they are widely used. The following introduces the basic parameters of inductors.

Figure 1-14 Several common inductors

1.     Inductance value: 

The basic parameter of inductors and a key parameter affecting the ripple current of power supply. Inductance and capacitance are complementary components and have the most basic formula (1-2):

The current flowing through the power inductor in the DC-DC BUCK buck converter is a triangular wave current . As long as the conditions of the DC-DC converter are determined, the appropriate power inductor can be roughly calculated according to formula (1-3), where Vin is the input voltage, Vout is the output voltage, Fsw is the switching frequency, and Iout is the output current .

In the SPEC (also called datasheet, specification or data manual) of the DC-DC converter, different inductance values are recommended for use as reference. Therefore, many engineers do not calculate, but only select according to the reference values of the manufacturer. This does not achieve the best design in terms of performance and price. This is because the recommended value in the manual is a general design recommended by the power IC manufacturer. We need to optimize the inductor selection based on the supplier's recommendation and the specific power requirements of the load in our own products, so as to achieve the best circuit design for our own products. Detailed introduction of inductor selection will be introduced in later chapters.

2. Saturation current ISAT:

Also known as DC superposition characteristics, which affects the effective inductance when the inductor works. If the selection is not appropriate, the inductor will be saturated, causing the actual inductance to decrease and not meet the design requirements, or even cause the circuit to be burned. The definition of saturation current varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Generally, it refers to the current when the initial inductance decreases by 30%. For example, a 4.7 uH inductor decreases to about 3.3 uH when it is 1.5A (see Figure 1-15). Note: If ISAT is not enough, the power supply ripple current will increase with the decrease of inductance value, because according to formula (1-3), when the load voltage Vout is unchanged, L decreases, Iout naturally becomes larger, Iout increases will further reduce the inductance, which is a dangerous thing.

Figure 1-15 Inductor saturation current

3. Temperature rise current Itemp: 

The parameter specifying the allowable temperature range when using inductors (see Figure 1-16). The definition of temperature rise current varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Generally, it refers to the current when the inductor temperature rises by 30 ° C. 

Figure 1-16 Inductor temperature rise current

4. DC impedance RDC: 

The resistance value when passing DC, which affects the heat loss. Generally, the smaller the DC resistance, the less the loss. Reducing RDC is slightly conflicting with conditions such as size miniaturization (the smaller the inductance, the larger the volume).

5. Impedance frequency characteristic:

The ideal inductance impedance increases with frequency, that is, "through straight gap exchange", but the actual inductance impedance decreases with frequency due to parasitic capacitance and resistance, as shown in Figure 1-17. This frequency is called the crossover frequency or resonance frequency, which is similar to capacitance.

These are the characteristics of inductors. When selecting inductors, be sure to carefully evaluate each parameter.

Figure 1-17 Actual inductance equivalent model and impedance-frequency curve
